Sunday, 23 February 2014

Goodbye England...Welcome Manilla

250 motes

So after the months of planning and multiple goodbye parties and drinks, we have finally set off on our adventure. 

It was a bit of a squeeze getting all of our personal things alongside the project's equipment into two backpacks. This finally achieved, and us transformed into turtles, we headed off to Heathrow for our 14.5 hours direct flight to Manila with Philippine Airlines. 

Last British sunset
Having a non-stop trip was awesome, as was the half-full plane so we could stretch out across multiple chairs and Wallace didn't have to deal with being my human cushion. 

The journey and all our connections went off without a hitch, and soon everyone was saying 'Mabuhay' to the Philippines.

So to the sound of the Filipino alarm clock (noisy cockerels which are ubiquitous across the country), we have woken up to our first morning in the Philippines.


  1. So excited to follow your journey! I love you both xxx

  2. "Mabuhay ang Pilipinas! "Long live the Philippines! I have just discovered that Mabuhay is a Tagalog greeting, very nice word.I am pleased to listen to you. Good discoveries in the Philippines!Love maman

  3. Aw so you've had an easy ride so far? I am glad and so excited for you! Love you lots and miss you both already xXx

  4. Thanks guys! Things are going well in Manila and we are set to leave to the rural north tomorrow morning. Hopefully we can keep everything well updated even in the rainforest. Had a massage today - Wallace said it's something he wants to 'include in his life' so it's not all hardwork :)
    Love to you all

  5. Wonderful to read your blog and adventures. How did the massage compare to the Thai ones? Have a fantastic time. Look forward to hearing more xxxxx
